Vnl Overschotjes uit de frigo….
- gestoofde groenten: verse ui, wortel, courgette (+ borlotti boontjes)
- salade: babyromanasla, gegrilde paprika, pijnboompitten, frambozen, pecannoten
- info over gratis afgehaalde walnotenboom (via de krant hbvl)
Vnl Overschotjes uit de frigo….
- gestoofde groenten: verse ui, wortel, courgette (+ borlotti boontjes)
- salade: babyromanasla, gegrilde paprika, pijnboompitten, frambozen, pecannoten
- info over gratis afgehaalde walnotenboom (via de krant hbvl)
#vegan #veganvuurvlees
#sushirijst #veganbowl #veganvlees #wortel #peer #bosui #paprika #beyondsteak #bowl
Potato, cucumber, tomato, lots of herbs and spices.
#vegan #food #vegetarian #veggies
Marinated potatoes, cherry tomatoes, red sweet pepper, spring onion and white onion in my own spice mix and ripened flavoured oil for 12 hours. Then slow roasted them in the oven for 4 hours.
Baked an egg slowly and finished up the plate with chili crunch and chives.
#vegetarian #food #foodporn #lunch #veggies #traybake
Niks mis met simpel eten: baked tofu (tamari sojasaus) en courgette (met pijnboompitten).
#Gardening #Foraging #InstantPot #Fedicats #DogsOfMastodan #Books #SciFi #Jazz #news #Bloomscrolling #StarTrek #veggies #SpicesOfTheWorld
Pinning this post because hashtags took too many characters in my bio.
It's veggie/fruit day. Got our delivery and got them all put away. Oh, it's a little dark in the paper bag - red grapes in there. A nice treat, haven't had grapes in a while.
Might need to skip next week's delivery, as we're getting a little backed up on inventory and try to run a zero-food-waste household.
Jeroen Meus’ dagelijkse vegan kost:
Groentewok zoetzuur maar dan zonder de aanbevolen runderreepjes. (Alternatief toegevoegd)
Pakket bij Albert Heijn.
Zeker een lekkere en volwaardige maaltijd!
One thing I have learned from gardening on my balcony is that most plants do not really like regular gale force winds.
Oven to 400
Broccoli on pan
Olive oil drizzle
Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Parmesan
Everybody knows that recipe, or a similar one, and it always turns out well.
Now replace the broccoli with celery. It feels gross just thinking about it. Is it do-able? Would it be good?
Honger. En behoefte aan umami. Dan maak je zoiets. A plate of beauty.
#gyoza #crispychillioil #umami #plantbased #soy #protein #veggies #miso #sesameoil #garlic #ginger #greenbeans
Do you like salsify? (Schorseneren)
Hebben jullie katten dat ook. Dat ze denken konijnen te zijn. Veggiekatten zijn zo leuk. Worteltjes zijn heerlijk. Toch?
Do your cats have that too. That they think they're rabbits. Veggie cats are so cute. Carrots are delicious. Right?
It was a wonderful early morning to harvest leeks and green beans. Before it became too hot