Autorisez le lien ORCID/Crossref, ORCID/DataCite et ORCID/HAL pour ajouter vos travaux sur votre profil ORCID : fiche pratique par @virginilang
Autorisez le lien ORCID/Crossref, ORCID/DataCite et ORCID/HAL pour ajouter vos travaux sur votre profil ORCID : fiche pratique par @virginilang
@egonw Ah that's smart, retroactively issuing DOIs for URLs which got cited in order to use #CrossRef citation infra.
I'd be curious to see how many outlinks of paywalled publications the #InternetArchive has managed to archive. Can one extract links from the full text with #ISTEX ( Maybe @chipotte knows.
The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) are evolving. A public consultation is now open on proposed updates to ensure the principles continue to meet the needs of the community.
If you work with or support open infrastructure, read our latest blog post to learn more and share your perspective:
We've got news! Retraction Watch data is now integrated with Crossref's existing #metadata, allowing #researchers to access retraction information directly through the Crossref REST API. More info in our latest blog post:
We are hiring! Join our global team as a Data Scientist. Help improve the scholarly landscape through metadata analysis and engineering. We have two open positions for this role.
- Remote role with global collaboration
- Application deadline: February 5, 2025
Learn more and apply now:
Unlock the power of #OpenAlex a promising open platform that integrates diverse academic data! However, our investigation reveals a flaw in its portrayal of retractions status = check out our findings and urgent recommendations:
@dhobern i'm shocked that's not a better known story. #crossref is staffed by cool people that I like now, but literally nobody i have talked to has been aware of the origin story that is extremely clearly spelled out in the one historical document i can find on the origin of the DOI system (i'm sure there are others, i just haven't been able to find them). I think this document is startlingly revealing because it was commissioned in 2009 before being loud and proud about "fuck everything about the commercial publishers" was a common thing, and it was before the shift in business models made people give a critical eye to the infrastructural underpinnings of their power.
they literally say "we cooked up the #DOI in a smoky back room for the sole purpose of killing Harold Varmus' plan to make universal free to publish, free to read open access that looks a hell of a lot like eLife's publish, review, curate model in 1999." it's text not subtext
Pre Self: what fraction of a journal’s papers are preprinted?
~385 citations over the past 14 years. Presumably some will have been of material impact to "progress."
It seems as though we mostly have the parts in place to acively notify investigators who are the victim of a duff publication. Info in #CrossRef could substantially get the job done.
Perhaps #RetractionWatch already does this?
"Is global warming real?" It's a legitimate question when asked by innocent people confused by calculated misinformation.
Hint: So far this year we've covered 1,080 academic papers on climate science, climate change, and dealing with the many-faceted climate mess we've created. By #CrossRef count, some 9,456 researchers helped to extend our understanding by contributing to this effort. In seven weeks.
This edition is another #OpenAccess cornucopia.
In my humble opinion! :-)
[Also will take this opportunity once again to say praise be and hallelujah for the blessing of #CrossRef! Thank you!]
#Crossref (@crossref) has "developed a new, heuristic-based strategy for matching #journal #articles to their #preprints. It achieved the following results on the evaluation dataset: precision 0.99, recall 0.95, F0.5 0.98."
It's sharing the code on Github.
Huh wow I've not seen this before!
#Crossref #DOI leading to a source "chooser" with co-access.
Cool! I guess this builds in some extra redundancy? Any other benefits?
New preprint analysing coverage of #Crossref #metadata from @LudoWaltman @neesjanvaneck @cwts
"Several initiatives have been taken to promote the open availability of bibliographic metadata of scholarly publications in Crossref. We present an up-to-date overview of the availability of six metadata elements in Crossref..."
"...the analysis also shows that many publishers need to make additional efforts to realize full openness of bibliographic metadata."