Filming locations, then and now, 1924 vs today. From the Charley Chase movie "All Wet." The complete movie locations video documentary is at:
Filming locations, then and now, 1924 vs today. From the Charley Chase movie "All Wet." The complete movie locations video documentary is at:
Filming locations, then and now, 1929 vs today. From the 1929 film "Boxing Gloves" from The Little Rascals. The complete video documentary is at:
Filming locations, then and now, 1933 vs today. From The Little Rascals film "Fish Hooky." The complete video is at:
Filming Locations - Laurel and Hardy - The Music Box - 1931 vs Today
Quick preview video of filming locations from the Laurel and Hardy film "The Music Box." 1931 vs today, then and now. See the complete video here: