#Trumps got a mandate.
So, we all have to behave like evangelicals now.
Now, get out there and feed your inner hypocrite.
#Trumps got a mandate.
So, we all have to behave like evangelicals now.
Now, get out there and feed your inner hypocrite.
#Tesla #Swasticar sales collapsed after #EU & #Canada retaliate #Trump's tariffs .
No pity for #Heilon #Musk , the useful idiot.
️ Go for his money
Extend to #Trump businesses.
He has to pay too
Tesla Sales Collapsed After EU...
#Tesla #Swasticar sales collapsed after #EU & #Canada retaliate #Trump's tariffs .
No pity for #Heilon #Musk , the useful idiot.
️ Go for his money
Extend to #Trump affaire.
He has to pay too
Tesla Sales Collapsed After EU...
#Tesla #Swasticar sales collapsed after #EU & #Canada retaliate #Trump's tariffs .
No pity for #Heilon #Musk
️ Go for his money
Tesla Sales Collapsed After EU...
https://www.europesays.com/1911971/ Kremlin suggests it has dismissed Trump’s envoy #Conflicts #dismissed #ENVOY #geopolitics #has #IT #Kremlin #Latest #suggests #Trumps #Ukraine #war
I have a voodoo doll and a very large darning needle...
I am still hoping that someone can send me some of #tRumps comb-over ...
is the prey
Hostility to #Europe, and the #EU in particular, is where the various strands of a potential #Maga-#Putin front come together. The Russian and US presidents share a venomous resentment of the soft power that Brussels wields through the aggregation of many national markets into one trading bloc.https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/mar/12/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-europe-us-ukraine-moscow
From #Trump’s point of view, the #EU is a wicked cartel, denying US farms and businesses their inalienable right to sell to millions of European consumers. For Putin, it is an enemy apparatus, part of the post-cold war western expansion that locked #Russia out of its natural sphere of influence.
For both men, the idea of pooling sovereignty among democratic nations for mutual economic advantage is incomprehensible. To negotiate as equals with the EU – a flimsy paper entity without any tank divisions to call its own – is absurd and abhorrent. Their answer to soft power is to confront it with the hard stuff, connive in its dismemberment and share the spoils.
@GottaLaff As #Trumps little revenge #minion , being off the leash scares him
In a one person one vote #democracy the electorate vote people into positions of power. In contrast, #ElonMusk is one example of one person that is an unelected bureaucrat (a dictator?)
Further reading. Forms of #corporatocracy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatocracy
#Fascists use various forms of #gaslighting (misleading rhetoric) For example, falsely accusing their political opponents of being, for example, "a dictator", to quote #Trumps slanderous accusations towards the elected president of #Ukraine
#Fico sagte, er würde am Donnerstag, dem 6.3.2025, beim #EUGipfel Einigungen der #EuropäischeUnion zugunsten der #Ukraine blockieren, falls seine Forderungen nicht akzeptiert würden.
Die slowakischen Forderungen sind Unsinn. Sie dienen, wie #Trumps und #Orbans #Blockade - #Politik, dem korrupten #Mörder #Putin.
Die putinfreundlichen #Slowakei und #Ungarn - selbst auf Wegen in die #Diktatur, korrupte Profiteure der EU- #Subventionen - haben in der EU nichts zu suchen.
I have a voodoo doll and a very large darning needle...
I would be grateful if anyone could send me some of #tRumps comb-over ...
This is how Zelenskyy should have dressed so that #Trump's entourage would have no complaints about his outfit. #Ukraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #TrumpAndVanceAreRussianAssets #FuckTrump #FuckVance #StandWithUkraine #TrumpAndVanceShameAmerica
Und wenn wir schonmal dabei sind: Ein Kommentar meines geschätzten Kollegen Clemens Verenkotte auf @BR24 zu #trumps Abkehr von #selenskyj , der #ukraine und #europa
„Eine blamablere Aufkündigung aller außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Grundsätze und Verhaltensregeln Amerikas, als die, die Donald Trump jetzt vollzogen hat, hat es in der jüngeren Geschichte nicht gegeben.“
318 Mrd US-Dollar an #Rüstungsgütern exportiert die #Rüstungsindustrie der #USA im Jahr. Ein Großteil wahrscheinlich in die #EU. Storniert diese Aufträge und schaut wie schnell sich #Trump‘s Strafzölle in Luft auflösen!
https://www.europesays.com/1877408/ SU Political Science Hosts Discussion of ‘Trump’s Second Administration’ – Wednesday February 26, 2025 #administration #america #article #college #delmarva #discussion #HigherEducation #hosts #News #political #press #PressReleases #PublicRelations #salisbury #science #Second #SuNews #Su #technology #Trumps #umd #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #UniversitiesInMaryland #university #UniversitySystem #US #USA
Now THIS is how you properly put to good use a pack of Tarot cards!
Yesterday I had the pleasure of discovering "Battle of Tarot", a game created by @denmanrooke@makertube.net (@denmanrooke@social.coop) which is a "combat game" in the style of Cuttle or even the more modern Magic: The Gathering (and other TCGs) and Star Realms (and other deck builders like it).
So I invited @paulexandru.bsky.social over and started to play. This game is very tactical and thoroughly enjoyed it, and I especially enjoyed the fact that the Trump Cards (Major Arcana, for all you divination people out there) are special spells each with its own effect.
One of the challenges when it comes to combat games that use standard packs of cards is that you have to remember or always have a list at hand with all the special abilities of all the special cards. As opposed to combat games such as Magic: The Gathering where the cards are specially created and the people creating them can list their effects on them. This is a moderate minus, but not of Battle of Tarot per se, because as stated it's a characteristic of all such combat games.
Other than that, I do still have some questions regarding some rules (I'll make a list, although the How-To-Play video provided by the designer and rules FAQ should be enough, they do a great job), but I really enjoyed this game and will definitely play it some more soon. I'm very enthusiastic about it because I love the fact that people are still looking to innovate this very old pack of cards and I hope it will soon catch up with the standard pack of cards in terms of modern games for it.
Now, Denman Rooke designed this game with a pack of Rider-Waite in mind and I think it's because of the illustrations that line up with the theme of the game. However, if you don't have a Rider-Waite pack (or a de Marseille one), I think you can safely play with a normal 78 cards Tarot deck (such as French Tarot, Tarot Nouvelle). You'll just be missing out on the eye candy.
I also enjoy the layout of the rules manual. The rules for the game are free to download from the site https://battleoftarot.com/ and I highly recommend for you guys to take a look.
#tarot #tarotcards #boardgames #cardgames #trumps #combat #combatgames