Thanks! I just (re)stumbled upon #safeguardingResearch which reminded me of #academicTorrents. Looks like a timely initiative.

Thanks! I just (re)stumbled upon #safeguardingResearch which reminded me of #academicTorrents. Looks like a timely initiative.
Update: We got the NCI ontology, including a history of former versions etc. pp.
All in all ~25GB.
This does not solve the issue of all the things dependent on the 'official' version, but at least we can safeguard.
cc @Cmungall @jonny
Help wanted:
Markdown rendering for longtext fields (#Python)
Initial rendering already implemented, but needs some more work: plugging the implementation into the db & the templates
I didn't expect "using a Torrenting client to seed US government scientific datasets because the policy settings are erasing years of research" on my 2025 bingo card but here we are.
You wouldn't download America's scientific research output would you?
EDIT: Several people have contacted me for the link.
(Better link)
and follow @SafeguardingResearch
Ask me about:
- 1 toot with >1k boosts
- 3 mentions in newspaper articles because of stuff I wrote on here
- 1 TV segment at 8pm news (Dutch)
Oh, and the whole of #SafeguardingResearch would not exist without this place.
Just as a counterpoint to the "You can't go viral"
You have heard of #SafeguardingResearch and know a thing or two about coding / technical writing?
We could use your help with #SciOp ; see issues here:
the label "help wanted" means "stuff that might be nice for someone to claim as a project and is relatively self-contained", but all issues would benefit :)
Anybody involved with #SafeGuardingResearch from the #WhiteHouseWash know if these images have been saved?
Additional info by Björn @brembs concerning ongoing #SafeGuardingResearch & #DataRescue initiatives
// @CopernicusEU @ZLabe @S4F @SafeguardingResearch @riffreporter @Riff_PlanG @kachelmannwetter
Additional info by Björn @brembs concerning the ongoing #SafeGuardingResearch & #DataRescue initiatives
// @CopernicusEU @ZLabe @S4F @SafeguardingResearch @riffreporter @Riff_PlanG @kachelmannwetter
I really love seeing people stepping up & doing things, as soon as they are connected to others & have some infrastructure/foundation to work on
There are several programms running already, some might "sleep". Please let us know so that we can start getting coordinated. Thank you!
#DataRescue via @CopernicusEU
Projects by World Meteorological Organization (WMO): DARE (still in progress???)
all mentioned above + #LiveSciences
//ping @ZLabe @S4F @SafeguardingResearch @riffreporter @Riff_PlanG @kachelmannwetter
@bert_hubert I recommend following @SafeguardingResearch and @lavaeolus for more #SafeguardingResearch
Ich stelle mich dieses Jahr für den @DHd Vorstand zur Wahl. Ich vertrete da Themen wie #MultilingualDH oder #DHBib, will mich aber für noch ein weiteres Thema stark machen: Ich finde, dass Wissenschaft deutlich politischer werden muss angesichts der politischen Gesamtlage. Ob Prekariat, Hierarchien, Gatekeeping, reaktionäre Kulturkämpfe, Themen wie #SafeguardingResearch… Gerade der @DHd kann und sollte helfen, betroffene Forscher:innen/Forschung als Supportnetzwerk zu unterstützen. #Dhd2025
Natürlich ist @SafeguardingResearch auch auf der #DHd2025 :)
Bin für Fragen & Gespräche offen!
unser mission-statement:
@lavaeolus @NFDI @NFDI4Memory @Textplus @nfdi4objects Lieber Henrik wie ist denn der Stand zu deiner Anfrage für mehr Austausch zum Thema #SafeGuardingResearch? Unsere Helpdesks sind ja vernetzt, wir könnten hierzu z.B. auch den Kontakt zu unseren #LegalHelpdesk herstellen: Freuen uns auf jeden Fall zu diesem aktuellen Thema im Kontakt zu bleiben
Find your people if you can, so you can work together and care for each other. If you're in the fediverse, you're already part of a community.
Finding fellow archivists and data hoarders involved in #SafeguardingResearch has helped me feel that I can make real practical contributions in the current crisis. (It doesn't hurt that I'm also surrounded by queer activists and archivists at my day job.)
I see this call making the rounds again - let me quote from the mission-statement of @SafeguardingResearch:
"Our archive is built according to the principles of #FAIR and #CARE, based on open technologies and standards, and resilient against loss via meaningfully distributed storage."
Please join us:
"As researchers we often say 'we need the data'. Today, the data needs us." — @KathyReid
see 2/2
#OpenScience #SafeguardingResearch
Status Update 2025-02-21: all quiet?!
Activity on the forum died down a bit and it may seem that everything kinda ground to halt. I think we arrived at a much needed short rest (at least for me) and I want to take this opportunity to say a few things:
We (especially you) have done an incredible job over the last few weeks!
More at